Together we can ensure that communities reach their full potential for health. There are a variety of ways that you can donate now from making a monthly contribution to an in-kind donation. Join us in reconnecting communities with wellness and sustainability by making a contribution to this vital work.
Make a Donation Now
Donate now with your PayPal account or any major credit card to make a difference for families across the United States. Also great as gifts, give the gift of charity to your loved ones this giving season.
Set-Up a Recurring Donation
Be charitable the easy way with monthly giving! Choose from three different giving tiers: The Sprout $7 per month, The Sapling $14 per month, or the Cedar at $50 per month. PayPal automatically charges your credit or debit card, bank account, or PayPal account, and the community thrives.
Would you prefer to make a targeted impact? Check out our wish list to provide something meaningful!